This super easy zucchini pizza takes just a couple minutes of prep time and is a great way to introduce zucchini to picky eaters.


  • 1 or 2 zucchini
  • a few spoonfuls tomato sauce or tomato paste
  • 1/4- cup grated cheese
  • a dash of dried italian herbs


  • After rinsing zucchini position in on the cutting board top to bottom and cut long ways in half or into 4 thick slices, depending on size.
  • Bake zucchini on a foiled tray in the oven or toaster oven at 375 for about 12 minutes. Remove carefully and then spread a spoonful of tomato sauce and grated cheese on each piece. Return to oven and bake for another 10 minutes or so until cheese is melted and zucchini is soft. Sprinkle dried italian herbs on top to finish