Want to lessen food waste? Here are some of our favorite tips!

1. Store your food properly!

The better you store your produce, the longer it will last and the more likely you are to use it! You can download our storage guide here.

The general rule of thumb is you want to prevent veggies from getting dehydrated ( that’s why we deliver them in a ventilated plastic bag- to keep the moisture in so they last longer!). For veggies with tops such as carrots/ beets/ radishes it’s best to separate the tops before storing the roots so they don’t suck the moisture from the roots.

We also recommend storage products like the Bluapple which can help produce last longer.

2. Learn to cook with the WHOLE vegetable

There are so many delicious ways to use the often-wasted parts of fruits and veggies. Here are some of our favorites:

  • Juice tops & stems of herbs, greens, carrots, etc
  • Make Carrot top pesto 
  • Save peels and end pieces in a freezer bag and turn into veggie stock
  • Use fruit cores or strawberry tops to make infused water
  • Peel and roast or steam broccoli stems
  • Roast squash seeds

Organic Chard3. Keep fresh food where you can see it and are more likely to eat it

This one is pretty self explanatory. You can store herbs on the counter in mason jars and keep a fruit bowl on the desk you sit at everyday for example.

4. Give forgotten foods a second chance

Did you let those peaches or persimmons get too ripe? Chop them and freeze them for a future smoothie.

If you forgot to trim the tops from the carrots? Give them an icebath to revive them! They’ll perk back up!

What are your favorite tricks? We would love to hear!