Since organic strawberries are free of the dozens of Chemical Fungicides and herbicides most strawberries are treated with, they have a tendency to parish more quickly.
Here’s how to get the most out of your strawberries
1) Eat, refrigerate, or freeze strawberries by the end of today
2) Try the vinegar wash below to make them last longer
3) when slicing your strawberries for eating, save the top pieces and put them in a glass of water to enjoy strawberry infused water!
Vinegar Wash (sounds gross but you seriously can’t taste it!)
- The key to keeping it fresh is to kill any spores on the fruit. The pH of vinegar does that job.
- Place the berries in a large bowl and wash them in a vinegar-water bath: 1 cup of white vinegar and 8 cups of water.
- Let the berries sit in the vinegar-water bath, gently moving them to help dislodge any dirt, grime and letting the vinegar kill spores and bacteria.
- Drain the berries in a colander and then thoroughly rinse the fruit (to remove any vinegar flavor).
- Store the washed and dried fruit in a sealed container that has been lined with paper towels and has a little air flow.
Photo and Berry Wash tip from the wonderful resource!