Supporting our community and the environment
Every Good Box Organics BOX directly supports sustainable agriculture as well as local schools and charities.
Since you made it to this page, chances are you’re already well aware how important it is to buy organic and local! Every meal we eat can be a choice for a more sustainable future. Since it’s our mission to help make our community healthier, 100% of every box is certified Organic– supporting biodiversity, regenerative agriculture and a healthy environment. To extend our do-good reach even further, we have an ongoing partnership with community organizations so we can have an even bigger impact! Read on to learn more about how our Farm-To-School program and Trees Planting partnerships are helping our community and the earth!
Together we’ve raised almost $300,000 for partnering schools!
Our Farm-to-School program raises money for participating schools with every box delivered to your door or pick-up site!
Since 2010 we’ve partnered with schools to make fresh healthy food more accessible to inspire the next generation of healthy eaters. To participate, simply choose your box size then select “A Home Delivery” or your neighborhood area or preferred pick-up spot. Put your school’s name in the “How did you hear about us box” and 5% from every delivery will go back to your school while you enjoy a delicious curated box of goodies delivered to your door!

Over Over 2 Million Tons of Organic Produce !
Since 2010 we have delivered over 2 million TONS of organic fruits and vegetables from local farmers to our community in the greater LA area. Choosing organic is not only beneficial for consumers, but creates a hugely positive impact on our ecosystem.
Organic farming is more sustainable on so many levels: it promotes biodiversity, improving pollination and natural pest control, and helps sequester carbon in the soil, contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and combating climate change (Organic soils are around 25% more effective at storing carbon).
By eliminating synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, Organic farming reduces harmful chemical residues in food, decreasing pesticide exposure. Organic farms also have a lower carbon footprint, using 45% less energy than conventional farming. Studies suggest that eliminating synthetic nitrogen fertilizers could cut global agricultural greenhouse gas emissions by 20%.
Studies have shown that switching to an organic diet can drastically decrease pesticide levels in the body within days.
Regenerative organic farming keeps nutrients where they belong—in our food—and helps farmers and rural communities improve their quality of life.

Over 30,000 trees planted, and counting!
We’ve partnered with Trees for The Future to help encourage an even bigger impact by planting thousands of trees!
Your food dollars are supporting local AND global tree planting. Trees for the Future has planted 180 million trees to date to help combat the effects of climate change and improve the lives of impoverished farmers by revitalizing degraded lands in the areas they serve.
This mission statement aligns so closely with our values and our ongoing commitment to the local farmers that are the most important part of what we do. With the 30,000 trees that our partnership with Trees for the Future has produced over the past 5 years, we are well on our way toward creating a meaningful way to combat environmental changes!
In addition to this global action, we are also sponsors of local goodness too!
Locally , we’re monthly donors to TreePeople so we can make sure our city is becoming greener too!
We’ve also partnered with Shemesh Farms in Malibu who provides employment, programming, and community to adults with diverse disabilities. Shemesh, Hebrew for “sun” , is a working farm and enterprise built upon a foundation of sustainability, inclusion, and interconnectedness. Our farmers help supplement fresh herbs for their small-batch and seasonal herb and salt blends. Everyone deserves a place where they feel respected, connected, and that they belong. At Shemesh Farms, everyBODY is welcome!