We know blueberries are delicious! They’re one of our favorite winter/spring fruits! Want even more reasons to love them? Read on below for some health benefits of these beautiful berries, and remember, always eat organic blueberries!


1. Provide antioxidants. Anthocyanins, the pigments that make blueberries blue, are potent antioxidants: A half-cup of blueberries provides the antioxidant power of five servings of peas, carrots, apples, squash or broccoli.

2. Are a healthy, low-glycemic-index carbohydrate, an especially good choice for those in need of better blood sugar control.

3. Are a source of vitamin C, important for supporting your immune system.

4. Help meet your daily fiber needs with two grams per half-cup serving of blueberries.

5. Have shown promise in addressing the untoward effects of aging thanks to their antioxidant power